Thursday 5 May 2011

Something fishy going on :)

Hello everyone,
Hope you have had a lovely Thursday!
As Martin has promised, I will write about my fish pedicure I had on Wednesday afternoon. At frst, you want to resist putting you feet in, but after the first few minutes you get used to it. It starts of as a vibrating sensation and then it feels relazxing and you forget they are actually fish! The treatment lasted for 25 minutes and after you are given some lotion to put on and my feet do feel smoother. If you are too ticklish for you feet you can also get your hands done!

I love the way this treatment is relaxing, effective and an interesting experience and is eco friendly. It works well without all the chemicals and toxitants of other spa treatments.
I really would recommend it at least for a good giggle and for the experience!
Have a relaxing  night!


  1. Ooh I have a voucher for that - my son bought it for my Mother's Day present. I still haven't used it but really must book it. I just feel very sorry for the little fishes

  2. I don't feel too sorry for them, because after all they are getting a good meal! There is a good rotation order aswell so it is not the same fish being used all the time if they can help it. I read on their website that they are describing it as 'completly organic' which I am not sure if it is or is a mis-use of the lexicon organic.

    Was pleasantly surprised to see this on here this morning, I thought she had forgot!

    Thanks everyone!

    Martin :)


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